Thursday, December 19, 2013

Invitation to a Love Story

I love a good wedding. I love the love stories, the decorations, the music, the dancing, the flowers, the sneaky kisses when the couple thinks no one is looking, darling little nieces blowing bubbles as the bride & groom leave the chapel, and seeing all of the work that a mama, her daughter, and/or a wedding planner have stressed for weeks/months/years/a lifetime over - come to fruition.
When I get to be just a little part of someone else's big day, I get a teensy bit giddy. I was honored to design this adorable couple's wedding invites. I'm slightly proud of them. OK, more than slightly. The great thing is, since they are custom - they fit this bride & groom to be to a T.
So, you know...if you ever are getting married...or graduating...or throwing a party...or starting your own business...or hosting anything really, I sure would love to create something that fits you too. 
You can always reach me at 