And, yes, I know how important sleep is. I am a much calmer, sweeter, spontaneous dance party type of mama when I have had my fair share of shut eye. Without it, I am a little slower, crankier, 'please go watch a show so I can rest for 15 minutes' type of mama. But every once in awhile...ok...it seems like every lots in awhile...something requires my staying up past my bedtime to finish. Maybe the number 1 item on my 2012 goals list needs to be: GO TO BED!
But, not until January. There's simply too much to do for Christmas to spend my time sleeping!
They are perfect.
We need to do a better job about setting (and keeping) a bedtime around these Austrian parts too, as 2 am seems to be the norm. I don't know how it happens. every. night.
Whew! 2am? What on earth are you doing until 2 in the morning? Wait right there. Maybe I don't want to know.
Paper writing and architecturing. (Me and Spence, respectively.) It is awful.
Seriously stealing this for next Christmas- I {heart} owls. They are the theme of Evie's room so maybe you can help me make a bigger one?:)
Wish you A Happy new Year :)
I Like the way you expressed your feelings
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Oh my gosh...I made those last year. I made 3. And then I was done. Those are so cute & I'm impressed you finished so many!
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